Maine CDC continues to prepare for national accreditation by the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB), and is on track to submit an application in January 2014.
About 25 employees representing all of Maine CDC’s Divisions currently participate in teams dedicated to each of the 12 accreditation domains. These teams are tasked to review the accreditation guidance and select the documents that best demonstrate that Maine CDC meets the accreditation standards.
Additionally, there are several large accreditation-related projects currently underway, including the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) and the enhanced Performance Management System.
Maine CDC thanks the many public health partners who participated in developing the objectives and strategies for the SHIP. As Maine CDC gets closer to accreditation, we will continue to provide short updates here in every other
issue. To learn more about the Public Health Accreditation program, visit, or contact Maine
CDC’s Accreditation Coordinator, Kate Marone, at