Monday, November 21, 2016

Know the Risk Factors and Signs of Diabetes

Maine CDC has estimated that 7.8 percent of the adult population in Maine is living with pre-diabetes and 9.5 percent is living with diabetes. November is Diabetes Awareness Month, which serves as a reminder to everyone about the risk factors and cautions related to pre-diabetes and diabetes.

What is Pre-diabetes?
Pre-diabetes is when a person’s blood glucose (blood sugar) levels are higher than normal, but are not high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. One in three adults in the U.S. has pre-diabetes and most of them don’t know it. Some of the risk factors for developing pre-diabetes are: adults who are over the age of 45, adults who are not physically active and adults with high blood pressure. Without making lifestyle changes, 15-30 percent will develop type 2 diabetes within 5 years. Making some simple lifestyle changes, including: eating healthier, losing weight and being more active make it possible to prevent or delay pre-diabetes from progressing into type 2 diabetes.
For more information visit the Maine National Diabetes Prevention Program information portal at: or speak to your doctor to see if you are at risk of pre-diabetes.

What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a disease that causes high levels of glucose in the blood because insulin is not functioning correctly in the body.
  • Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed in youth and young adults. The cause is unknown and cannot be prevented, but it can be managed through insulin therapy and living a healthy lifestyle.
  • Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90-95 percent of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can be controlled with healthy eating and exercise. 

Steps to Encourage Diabetes Management
  1. Managing diabetes is not easy, but it can be done with proper education and support. Take small steps to stay healthy. You don’t have to make big lifestyle changes all at once. Set realistic goals on what’s important to you.
  2. Early self-management education and support is important to prevent diabetes-related health problems.  When blood glucose is not in control, it can lead to serious complications.  
  3. Managing diabetes is a team effort. Diabetes can be overwhelming. Having a network of support from family, friends and your health care team, can help you stay on track.
To find a Diabetes Self-Management Training program in Maine to help support you in your self-management planning visit:

For More Information

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

News from the Districts - Western

The Western District Coordinating Council recently brought together district partners from a variety of sectors (law enforcement, legislature, health care, community providers, etc.) to share ideas and solutions to address this growing opioid problem.

One of the highlights of this forum was a back to work program that has been implemented in Oxford County. A significant part of the Western Maine Addiction Recovery Initiative is Project Save ME, where people who are in active substance use can go to any police department in Oxford County and ask for help.

Many aspects of Project Save ME have contributed to its success, including trained recovery coaches, area social service agencies and a partnership with C.N. Brown. Early on, C.N. Brown noticed that substance use disorder was affecting their business and employees and decided to be a part of the solution. Those who enter into Project Save ME and get into recovery have the potential to be an employee of C. N. Brown. Individuals who have reached six months of recovery and received a letter of recommendation from their counseling can get help with getting a job at a local Big Apple store.

The liaison between the Western Maine Addiction Recovery Initiative and C. N. Brown has talked about how positive the partnership has been and a willingness to reach out to other businesses to bring more potential employment options to Project Save ME. The Western DCC is looking forward to extending the project to the other two counties in the district as well.